neuromuscular coordination technique Neuromuscular Coordination Technique stimulates the Motor Control Center of the brain to register and correct weak or faulty movement patterns. Through careful testing, the therapist locates muscles that are compromised, and works with them to establish a strong, functional pattern. This allows overworked muscles to relax, strengthens under-active muscles, and speeds the rehabilitation process after injury. Typically the client is able to feel some improvement immediately. This is how the Motor System works: The Motor Control Center orchestrates all voluntary movements. Through repetition, it learns, recalls and directs complex motor patterns. When these patterns are interrupted due to injury or misuse, the Motor Center automatically initiates a functional alternative plan. It recruits secondary muscles to substitute for the temporarily dysfunctional primary muscle, which allows the injured muscles to rest and recover. After damaged tissues have healed, the Motor Center sometimes fails to reestablish the earlier, more efficient motor plan. So although the tissue has been repaired, the muscles are still not firing normally. If this "compensation plan" remains active too long, these muscles become progressively less active and weaker. Meanwhile, the compensating muscles become overused, tense, and often painful. While massaging these muscles may be temporarily soothing, is not enough to resolve the underlying problem. Neuromuscular Coordination Technique is an elegant and very efficient way to reestablish optimal function. |